7 ways to reduce distractions: working from home


Work-life balance is not just a buzzy, self-help term that real business people laugh at. You need it. Stephanie Ruhle Being productive all the time is most people’s dream. However, many things get in the way of that, distractions and lack of motivation being some of them. There are ways you can be productive when you are unmotivated and below […]

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How to stop planning and start doing: achieve your goals

Do you tend to over-plan EVERYTHING? Don’t worry, I’m the same way! Here are a few tips that will help you to finally STOP over-planning and start doing!

“if you opt for a safe life, you will never know what it’s like to win.”

Richard Branson

You have planned enough, its time to stop planning and start implementing. It’s time to achieve those goals and this post will show you how.

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3 Valuable Life Lessons from TV Characters

Characters we see on our screen make an impact on us. In addition to what we are able to learn from their storylines, they expose us to important life lessons too. This is why the need for representation remains valid. It is important to be able to relate with certain TV characters, they have the ability to make us see […]

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How to stay motivated to achieve your personal goals

How to stay motivated to achieve your goals.

“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway”

Earl Nightingale

Motivation is the drive you have to make things happen, it is what pushes you to act. However, staying motivated isn’t often easy.

You find that you are fired up to crush your goals after you’ve set them. But after a few days, weeks or months, you experience some setbacks because you are no longer as motivated as you were when you started.

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6 ways to get through a bad day

How to get over a bad day

Sometimes terrible things happen to you or you wake up feeling sad or bad. You feel hopeless about everything and all you want to do is scream or curl and cry or even both.

I get my share of those days, while I don’t find them funny, I find ways to get through them. One or more of these will certainly help you too.

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Overcoming my fear of failure

Overcoming my fear of failure

 “Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.”

Roy T. Bennett

Life is in stages, where you are right now is exactly where someone else wants to be. Does that mean you should stop aspiring for more? Should you let the fear of failure hold you back?

No, if you want more, aim for more!!!

This is a fact applicable to everyone and something I started telling myself because I have had a lot of struggles with fear and I have been badly affected by it, in so many ways.

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How to be alone and enjoy it

Being alone isn't the same as being lonely, you can enjoy your own company all by yourself

“Even in moments you are still trying to figure out who you are, you are enough “

Yvette Ratshikhopha

Many times we find ourselves in situations where we are alone. But being by yourself doesn’t have to mean you are lonely. In fact you can be alone and enjoy it. I love my alone time so this isn’t a subject I’m new to.

Different people dislike being alone for different reasons. Some just don’t like it because they don’t know what to do so they begin to feel lonely and start looking for company.

If you are one of those, have you stopped for a minute to think about the reasons others enjoy being around you?

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Understanding your personality pairs

Understanding your personality types

“Be yourself, not your idea of what you think somebody else’s idea of yourself should be.”

Henry David Thoreau

Today, we are diving into the personality pairs mentioned in a previous post, the key to understanding yourself and the people around you. There I mentioned that besides loving yourself, knowing your personality type plays a huge role in understanding yourself and consequently others.

The four personality types (according to Hippocrates) mentioned are two sets of opposites which means that no one is really one type…

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5 little things you shouldn’t do in the morning if you want the most out of the day

Here are five things you shouldn't do in the morning to have a productive day

Every morning starts a new page in your story. Make it a great one today”

Doe Zantamata

It is hard enough to get out of bed, what we don’t want to do is distract ourselves with things we shouldn’t be doing in the morning.

One of the worst things to happen to us is thinking at 6 pm “I had a busy day but I didn’t achieve much”….

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How to be productive when you feel unmotivated

How to be productive when you feel unmotivated

“The hard days are what make you stronger.”

Aly Raisman

Do you have days when you feel zero motivation? You think about the things you need to do, yet you are feel no motivation at all. You really want to be productive but you can’t get yourself to do anything…

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